Bradford restaurant directed to close for hosting wedding events

    A restaurant on Manchester Road has been directed to close immediately by Bradford Council for breaching COVID-19 legislation by hosting events and weddings

    Environmental Health officers have served the order on the Lahori Gate restaurant for the persistent failure of the owner to manage and control risks associated with coronavirus transmission.

    It follows a number of complaints from the public that they were hosting events and weddings with more than the maximum 15 people permitted.

    Evidence has been obtained that the venue held a wedding on two occasions last week following reports that the car park was full, doors locked and an event going on inside.

    Guests, including a bride and groom, have been witnessed all leaving the restaurant at the same time from all exits rather than using the one way system that the restaurant said they had in place.

    Environmental health officers are also concerned that those within the venue have not been social distancing or wearing face masks when required to do so.

    The order will initially remain in place until 25 November, 2020 or until they can provide evidence that they can operate in a COVID secure way.

    Other restaurants in the district are also being warned that, if they are holding weddings, they should close the restaurant to other customers whilst the event is on and stick to the 15 guest rule.

    Environmental health officer are concerned other venues may be using the guise of operating as a restaurant and pretending that some guests have booked separately.

    A spokesperson from Bradford Council said:

    “We urgently needed to take action as the premises represent a serious and imminent threat to public health in the Bradford area.”

    “We are still seeing high infection rates across the city and it is up to residents, businesses and people who work in the district to be responsible and abide by the Tier 2 regulations and advice. This is the best way we can reduce the R rate locally and tackle COVID-19.”

    “Whilst the vast majority of businesses are complying with the regulations we have a small number of businesses that continue to flout the law and we will not hesitate to take the appropriate action if they are putting the health and lives of others at risk.”

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