8-year-old Autistic little boy who beat his fear of lying is given a special airport tour by staff. Monarch had an exciting treat in store for eight year old Luke Jones
Kind-hearted airline staff treated a boy with autism to a VIP tour of Manchester Airport to help him overcome his fear of flying. The visit came about after Luke Jones became very anxious before take-off last autumn.
Monarch CEO, Andrew Swaffield heard about what happened and invited Luke and his family to spend a day at Manchester Airport. During the day Luke and his brother David were treated to a full private tour of the airport.
Luke’s mum Lauren said: “The fact that Monarch are working with the National Autistic Society shows that they are seeking to understand people with autism and reduce the stress of carers like myself because they have an awareness and can show empathy.”
Monarch manager Leanne Stant added: “I would like to thank Lauren and her wonderful family for allowing us to arrange a special treat for Luke and David. They were a charming family and we had the most amazing day.”
The airline is currently working towards the Autism Friendly Award.