Hundreds of pupils from schools around the district today marked Her Majesty the Queen’s 90th birthday in a Civic Event.
Over 300 children gathered in Channing Way to form a procession behind the Bradford Youth Brass Band before making their way to City Park and awaiting civic dignitaries.
The Lord Mayor of Bradford, Coun Geoff Reid, welcomed everyone to mark this auspicious occasion followed by the singing of "Happy Birthday” and the first verse of God Save the Queen.
Bradford Council’s Music and Arts Service has been working with many schools on a song-writing competition. The winners, Wibsey Primary School, wrote the song "Wear your crown with pride” which was sung live at the event.
The Lord Mayor said: "This is a great opportunity for schools and members of the public to be involved in such an historic event. Five schools have produced a banner depicting various aspects of Her Majesty’s life and reign and pupils have made flags which they will wave in the parade.”
Tony Johnson, Head of Bradford Council’s Music and Arts Service, said: "We are delighted that so many pupils will be taking part in the Civic Event. In addition, other schools who are not involved in the City Park celebrations are planning to have their own "events” in playgrounds/schools around the district.”
Michael Jameson, Bradford Council’s Strategic Director of Children’s Services, said: "This is an historic occasion and it is very pleasing that so many of our schools and pupils are marking this milestone birthday with Her Majesty the Queen.”