A group of refugee families fleeing war torn Syria have received a special welcome from Child Friendly Leeds, with gifts for the children donated by Leeds City Council staff.
The six families are being welcomed into the city as part of the Leeds Resettlement Programme after being forced to flee their homeland.
Councillor Lisa Mulherin, executive member for children and families said:
“We will probably never understand what these children have had to go through during their short lives. The least we can do is to show that they are welcome in our city - that Leeds is a safe haven and a place where all children can thrive.
One young refugee was unable to collect his gift in person as he is in hospital receiving treatment for injuries caused by a bomb in Syria. His mother was very grateful for the gift to help raise his spirits whilst in hospital.
On receiving the gifts with their children, one of the parents commented that the children have never received anything like this so it truly was a warm welcome to the city.
Leeds is as a city of sanctuary with many organisations working together to support refugees from all over the world. The council has agreed to take 225 Syrian refugees over a two year period.