A clean-up campaign to tackle environmental issues in Great Horton begins next week (4 March).
Bradford Council said it is deploying extra staff to try and tackle a number of long-standing problems which affect the quality of life for residents of the area.
Ward councillors and residents have identified a number of issues including litter, fly-tipping, overflowing bins and contaminated recycling bins.
Monday mornings for four weeks, council staff will be giving advice on what items residents should recycle without contaminating their bins.
Other staff will tour the area looking for environmental problems and finding ways to solve them.
At the end of the month, residents who refuse to follow the advice given and who continue to contaminate their recycling bins will face enforcement action.
Coun Sarah Ferriby, Bradford Council’s Executive Member for Healthy People and Place, warned that the community must play its part if the area is to be improved permanently.
She said: “Given the severe constraints on the public purse, Bradford Council does not have the cash to go round continuously cleaning up after people.
“We need residents to work with us in keeping the streets and public areas tidy. We are committed to do the best we can but unless the community is committed to helping us, then the whole exercise is futile and we will be back to square one within a few weeks.”
“Bradford Council is asking residents to recycle as much as possible following the advice of recycling staff. The problems of littering, dog fouling and fly-tipping can be tackled by putting those responsible before the courts or issuing Fixed Penalty Notices.
“If anyone sees fly-tipping taking place, please note down as many details as possible, including vehicle licence plate numbers and inform the Council.”