Drivers of unsafe vehicles taken to task in Dewsbury

    Photo Credit - WYP

    Drivers of unsafe and un-roadworthy vehicles have been taken to task in Dewsbury following a multi-agency operation.

    Officers from the Dewsbury and Mirfield Neighbourhood Policing Team joined forces with partners from Kirklees Council taxi Licensing, the DVSA and VOSA to stop and check cars on Ravensthorpe Road for roadworthiness.

    Partners from VOSA also examined certain vehicles to determine if they were using ‘red’ diesel which is only intended for agricultural use.

    Officers and partners seized six cars which were uninsured and gave two fixed penalty notices for cars. One had no MOT and another did not have road legal registration plates.

    Taxi licensing colleagues checked 33 cars meanwhile, and immediately suspended the licences of two vehicles.

    The DVSA checked 24 vehicles and suspended two from being driven any further due to one having un-roadworthy tyres and another having illegally tinted windows.

    Sergeant Kierston Knott of the Dewsbury and Mirfield NPT, said: “Ravensthorpe Road is a main arterial route in and out of Dewsbury and as such, a natural place for us to mount an operation of this kind.

    “It was a productive day for us which resulted in some vehicles not fit to be driven being immediately taken off the roads.

    “We were also pleased to note that the majority of taxis stopped where in compliance with their licences."

    She added: “I want to thank partners from VOSA and the DVSA for taking part with us in this operation today.

    “Our overall aim is to do all we can to make our roads safer and we will look to carry out more operations of this type in the near future.”

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