Community feedback events are being held across the Bradford district on an integration scheme.
During the summer, more than 600 people took part in consultation events in Bradford, Shipley and Keighley to inform the Stronger Communities Strategy.
Events this month will share what was learnt from the consultations in August and what is planned to be delivered within the strategy.
Bradford Council said the strategy “will increase opportunities for people from different backgrounds to mix together” and will “help make Bradford a stronger, happier, healthier and more prosperous place, while leaving space for diversity and difference”.
The events are:
• Tuesday, 15 January at Grange Interlink, Bradford at from 9.30am until 12pm. If you would like to book for this event please contact
• Wednesday, 16 January at Shipley Library from 9.30am until 12pm. If you would like to book for this event please contact
• A major conference is being held in Keighley to discuss integration on the Friday 18 January at Keighley College from 9.30am- 1pm.