Leeds’ buildings, places and spaces are to be celebrated this week at the 27th Leeds Architecture Awards.
The 2019 Leeds Architecture Awards will see architects, developers, artists and regeneration specialists gathering at Leeds Town Hall on Thursday 28 February to celebrate recent developments across the city.
Organised by Leeds City Council, the awards aim to promote a sense of pride in the new developments that are reshaping the city and making a major contribution to its future development and prosperity.
Councillor Judith Blake, Leader of Leeds City Council, said: “Building design tells the story of our city, not just of the city centre but of our communities and neighbourhoods too. These awards are a core part of recognising how Leeds is developing and regenerating for the better, of showing how neighbourhoods, communities and centres are being developed so they can respond to economic change and help improve the health and wellbeing of residents.
“The city’s economic success can be seen by the cranes on the skyline and by the innovation and quality in our buildings. Our economic success allows us to invest in people, their health and wellbeing, improving education, tackling low pay, securing better social and economic outcomes from large organisations in Leeds. Celebrating our architecture is celebrating both the history of the city and the potential we have now.”