A Bradford landlord has been handed a hefty fine after he left tenants in flats with holes in the walls and faulty fire alarms
Kabir Hussain, 46 admitted a number of safety breaches at his property in Keighley Road, Bradford, one of ten owned by his company, Park Property World Ltd based on Selborne Grove in Heaton.
He pleaded guilty to three charges of failing to comply with regulations in respect of management housing in multiple occupation ahead of a scheduled trial.
The court heard that Hussain, now the sole director of his business, charged tenants at the Keighley Road property between £250 and £350 per month, earning him a rental income of around £30,000 a year.
Hussain was fined a total of £10,000 with £2,140 costs and a £240 surcharge.
Speaking after the case, Councillor Val Slater, portfolio holder for housing, planning and transport said:
"We work hard with private landlords to ensure they keep their homes in good order.
"This was a landlord who was mismanaging a house in multiple occupation by not keeping it in good repair and transgressing safety regulations."