The Leader of Wakefield Council has met with Mosques from across the district as part of the Council's commitment to tackle hate crime.
At the last meeting of Full Council, Cllr Peter Box, Leader of Wakefield Council, announced the plans to meet with leaders from Wakefield Mosques. This is part of a firm commitment to continue to develop community relations.
Cllr Peter Box said: "Whilst we're fortunate that we have not seen an increase in hate crime in the district we are not being complacent. We need to proactively work together to ensure everyone in our communities feels safe."
"We have been meeting with leaders from Wakefield Mosques so that we can come together to tackle any issues and create a tolerant and peaceful community."
"We are sending out a strong message that hate crime is completely unacceptable. Everyone has the right to have the freedom to feel safe in our district."
"By joining together with our communities we can make it very clear that racism, xenophobia and other hate crime will never be tolerated in this district and encourage people to report any incidents."
In a meeting of Full Council last month, all members of the Chamber voted unanimously to condemn racism, xenophobia and all other hate crimes.
The Council is also looking to strengthen the work it does with schools in the district to promote cohesion in our local communities and tackle hate crime.