Plans to charge owners of high-polluting vehicles driving in Leeds have been approved by government.
Leeds City Council have been given more than £29 million in funding from the government to implement a Clean Air Charging Zone in the city.
The council said the zone will reduce air pollution in Leeds by encouraging businesses to transition to cleaner, less polluting vehicles that are not subject to charges for driving within the zone boundary.
Only owners of the worst polluting heavy goods vehicles (HGVs), coaches, buses, taxis and private hire vehicles will be subject to charges. Private cars, vans or motorcycles will not be charged.
To help businesses based within the zone boundary transition to cleaner vehicles and avoid daily charges, the government has confirmed that £23 million of the £29 million total funding will be available to support affected businesses.
Cllr James Lewis, executive member with responsibility for sustainability and the environment, said: “Having now received the green light from the government, our priority is to ensure the successful delivery of the Clean Air Charging Zone as required by Ministerial Direction over the next fifty weeks.
“Businesses that are likely to be affected need to look at the vehicles they operate and begin their final preparations for the introduction of the zone.
“We recognise that this will be a difficult transition for some businesses to make. We have not received the full amount of funding that we asked the government for, however, we are pleased to confirm today that a number of significant financial support packages will be available to assist owners of affected vehicles. We will be working hard to make sure this money is available swiftly.
“Leeds City Council will not make money from these charges. Charge revenue will only be used to cover the costs of operating the CAZ, to support owners of affected vehicles, and for other schemes to improve air quality in the city.”