Leeds whale to tell tragic tale

    Photo Credit - LCC

    The skeleton of a majestic whale will be reconstructed for a new display highlighting the plight of our planet’s oceans.

    Leeds Museums and Galleries’ long-finned pilot whale is being painstakingly pieced together over the next few months before it is hung from the ceiling of Leeds City Museum later this year.

    Currently in storage at the Leeds Discovery Centre, the ill-fated marine mammal was collected back in 1867 off the coast of Scotland when a group of fishermen spotted a pod of whales near Leith.

    Once on display, the Leeds whale will be a permanent exhibit and will be used to kick-start a programme of workshops, discussions and talks by experts on whales and the sea.

    Clare Brown, Leeds Museums and Galleries’ curator of natural sciences said: "This whale met a very tragic and gruesome end which was sadly not unusual in 1867. In the century and a half that has followed, global conservation efforts have seen a huge shift in the way whales are seen and thankfully, we are now predominantly focussed on protecting and preserving these magnificent creatures.

    "But the existence of many species living in our oceans remains precarious and it will take a similar change in attitudes to ensure not only their immediate survival but the long term sustainability of the marine ecosystem.

    "Our hope is that by displaying this inspirational animal in Leeds and telling its story, we can encourage thousands of visitors to think about the environment in a different way and look at the many small steps they can take to become part of the fight to safeguard our seas."

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