On Friday the 23rd December two masked men armed with machete-type knives entered Coral bookmakers, on Dewsbury Gate Road, Dewsbury, as staff were preparing to close.
The masked men threatened two members of staff, forcing them to open the tills. During the incident a female employee was hurt and received a small cut to her left arm. The suspects took a large amount of cash from the tills and fled.
Both suspects are described as white, one is 6ft tall, aged in his 20s, slim build with a hood over his head and a black scarf covering his face, wearing a black-hooded top and grey tracksuit bottoms. The other 5ft 7ins tall, also in his 20s, of a stocky build, wearing a black-hooded top and a scarf over his face.
A witness reported seeing two men with their faces covered getting into a black 56-plate Vauxhall Astra before turning left onto Halifax Road at the time of the robbery.
Anyone who witnessed the incident or who has any information that could assist the investigation is asked to contact PC Jack Hodges at Kirklees District CID on 101.