West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service (WYFRS) and West Yorkshire Police are urging people to play it safe by going to an organised bonfire and fireworks display this year.
The fire service says they have been gearing up for the busiest weekend of the year and there’s already been plenty of preparations over the last few weeks, with school visits and community engagement events to deliver safety advice.
Between Friday 3 November and Sunday 5 November 2017, firefighters attended 174 deliberate secondary fires across West Yorkshire. These included anything from grass fires to wheelie bins and rubbish.
Area Manager for Service Delivery Chris Kirby, said: “The run up to Bonfire Night is one of the busiest times of year for the emergency services, particularly due to the increased amount of anti-social fires.
“These incidents can be of significant risk for the public as they can often get out of control, but also as time spent at these fires can result in fire engines not being available to attend other emergencies.
“This can have a knock-on effect on the speed at which we can attend other emergencies, such as house fires. We appeal to the public to be vigilant around this time of year and to do what you can to help the Fire Service. For example, report any accumulation of combustible materials in the street, which could be used and set alight, to your local council.”