A road safety charity based in West Yorkshire has received a £5,000 cash boost from police chiefs.
West Yorkshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner, (PCC) Mark Burns-Williamson, and Chief Constable, Dee Collins, used money from the Police Property Act Fund to support BRAKE – more than doubling donations from previous years. The cash from the fund contains money from the sale of property connected with crime and is used for charitable donations.
BRAKE is the national road safety charity, based in Huddersfield, which exists to stop the needless deaths and serious injuries that happen on roads every day.
The charity says the cash will be used to help make the county’s roads safer.
Mr Burns-Williamson said: “We know road safety is a significant issue for people and is frequently raised as a concern by members of the public across West Yorkshire.
“Road safety is a priority in the Police and Crime Plan and this donation is in recognition of the exceptional service Brake provides both in prevention and in raising awareness of road safety and supporting victims and witnesses.
“The service they provide both to West Yorkshire Police and bereaved families is vital and this donation will enable their victim services to continue to provide specialist support through their accredited professional helpline support service.”