Following last year’s inaugural CEO Sleep-out event held at Lancashire County Cricket Club senior executives from across the North West will once again come together to give up their bed for one night and help those who don’t have one. Participants will be asked to lead by example by braving the cold and sleeping outdoors side-by-side with their peers to raise funds for charities and projects to help fight poverty and homelessness in Manchester.
Taking place on the 15th May 2017 the event will aim to better the £67,000 raised in 2016 and help to highlight a growing problem in the city.
CEO Sleepout Manchester 2017 is being organised by the LCCC Foundation in partnership with national charity CEO Sleepout UK and will be one of several events taking place up and down the country aiming to build on the 1000 executives that have already taken part together raising over £1,000,000 to fight homelessness and poverty in the UK.
The event will start at 8pm and finishes the following morning at Emirates Old Trafford, the home of Lancashire County Cricket Club.
Andy Preston from CEO Sleepout UK said “CEO Sleepout UK is delighted to be working with the LCCC Foundation again following last year’s successful event. By engaging the executive community across the North West we aim to raise funds to help fight poverty and homelessness in Manchester”.