Filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt allegedly received an extortion call from an unidentified person, who also threatened to harm his daughter actress Alia Bhatt, police.
An offence has been registered by Juhu Police and the anti-extortion cell of Mumbai crime branch is investigating the matter, they said. An unidentified person from Uttar Pradesh allegedly made calls to the producer-director recently and also sent messages on WhatsApp demanding about ₹50 lakh. The caller also threatened to harm Alia Bhatt if the demand was not fulfilled, a police official said. "A bolt from the blue in the form of an extortion call & threat to my family was nipped in the bud by the MH & UP police in tandem. Gratitude!" Bhatt tweeted. Deputy Commissioner of Police Ashok Dudhe said, "Offence under the section for extortion is registered at Juhu police station. The anti-extortion cell is investigating the offence. As of now no arrest has been made in connection with the offence, but investigation is going on progressively." Bhatt has made several award winning and critically acclaimed movies like Saaransh, Arth, Naam, Kaash, Daddy, Aashiqui, Dil Hai Ke Manta Nahin and Zakhm among others.
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