Noor is all set to hit the theatres on 21st April and while the masses eagerly await the release of the film, the grinch has attacked it. Yes, we are talking about Pahlaj Nihalani's censor board. The Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) has been creating issues for filmmakers for a while now and while the audience waits for their favourite films to be released on-screen it seems like the CBFC just can't wait to use their scissors on these films.
In the recent past be it Lipstick Under My Burkha, Anaarkali Of Aarah or Raveena Tandon's Maatr, all the films have faced the CBFC's terror and now the new target of the censor board is Sonakshi Sinha's Noor. As per reports in DNA, CBFC thinks that 'Dalit' is a banned word and the board has asked the makers to remove references from the film regarding the same. A source told the daily, “The word ‘Dalit’ has therefore been muted from Noor wherever it occurs.” Another source told the daily that the board doesn't want to even let them mention a sex toy or a liquor brand in their film. He said: “Weirdly, the Board wants ‘sex toy’ to be replaced by ‘adult site’.”