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What we played on Friday, 21 February 2025 18:00 (Drive-time)
It doesn't look like we have song information for this time period.-
Remix Saturdays
Every Saturday evening we turn to remixes of hit songs to get you in the Saturday night party mood! Every Saturday between 5pm - 8pm
Legal Show
Once a fortnight we dedicate a show to discussing legal issues and family / matrimonial law in particular. Alternate Friday mornings between 9am-11pm.
Bhangra Nights
Get over the Weekday blues - Every Tuesday night is party night with the best Bhangra and Urban Asian Beats. The Bhangra Show every Tuesday between 8pm-11pm
The Golden Era
The golden era of Bollywood celebrated in this weekly show full of classics taking you back in time. Every Sunday between 5pm - 7pm