7 minutes | Thursday, 20 June 2019
Released on Clean Air Day today (20 June) new research from First Bus finds that almost three in five (57%) Brits are concerned about levels of pollution in their local area and almost nine in ten (87%) are consciously making an effort to change their environmental impact. However, almost four in ten (37%) still drive themselves to work.
When attempting to reduce their environmental impact, Brits first turn to recycling (42%), followed by reducing the amount of electricity (12%) and heating (9%) they use in the house.
However, few Brits change their commuting habits with the UK driving an average 116 million miles a day to and from work on their own.
To tell us more about the research and what we can do to address the pollution issue, we were joined by eco-adventurer Andy Pag and John Dowie, Director of Local Strategy at First Bus.